ANNEX 2


    ADI        acceptable daily intake
    ALAT       alanine aminotransferase
    ALP        alkaline phosphatase
    ASAT       aspartate aminotransferase
    ATP        adenosine triphosphate
    AUC        area under the curve

    BUN        blood urea nitrogen
    bw         body weight

    CHO        Chinese hamster ovary
    CMC        carboxymethyl cellulose
    CNS        central nervous system

    DMSO       dimethyl sulfoxide
    DNA        deoxyribonucleic acid

    ECG        electrocardiogram
    ED50       effective dose, median

    F          female
    F1         filial generation, first
    F2         filial generation, second
    FAO        Food and Agriculture Organization of the
                 United Nations

    g          gram
    GABA       gamma-aminobutyric acid
    GC         gas chromatography
    GI         gastrointestinal
    GOT        glutamate-oxalate transaminase
    GPT        glutamate-pyruvate transaminase
    GSH        glutathione

    h          hour
    Hb         haemoglobin
    HDL        high density lipoprotein
    HPLC       high performance liquid chromatography

    i.m.       intramuscular
    i.p.       intraperitoneal
    i.v.       intravenous
    IARC       International Agency for Research on Cancer
    IPCS       International Programme on Chemical Safety

    JECFA      Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food

    kg         kilogram

    l          litre
    LC50       lethal concentration, median
    LD50       lethal dose, median
    LDH        lactate dehydrogenase

    M          male
    mg         milligram
    MIC        minimum inhibitory concentration
    ml         millilitre
    MTD        maximum tolerated dose

    NADPH      nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
    NOEL       no-observed-effect level

    p.o.       per os (by mouth)
    PCV        packed cell volume

    RBC        red blood cell count

    s.c.       subcutaneous
    SCE        sister chromatid exchange
    SGOT       serum glutamate-oxalate-transaminase
    SGPT       serum glutamate-pyruvate-transaminase

    t1/2       half-reaction time
    TSH        thyroid stimulating hormone

    UDS        unscheduled DNA synthesis

    WBC        white blood cell
    WHO        World Health Organization

    See Also:
       Toxicological Abbreviations