Dimethipin was evaluated by the Joint Meeting in 1985 (Annex I,
    FAO/WHO, 1986c) and a Temporary Acceptable Daily Intake (TADI) of
    0-0.003 mg/kg bw was allocated. Additional information was required
    concerning the historical control data utilized by that Meeting
    regarding lung tumours in CD-1 mice and astrocytomas and liver rumours
    in SD rats. Further pharmacokinetic and metabolism studies in rats
    and/or a non-rodent mammalian species were required, as well as acute
    oral toxicity studies on major plant metabolites which were not found
    in animals. Data have been provided and are considered in this
    monograph addendum.



    Biochemical aspects

    Absorption, distribution sad excretion


         In a study designed to examine the absorption, distribution and
    excretion of dimethipin as a function of dose, time and route, 48 CD
    Sprague-Dawley rats (24 male/24 female) were divided into separate
    groups. Group I received a single oral dose of 1.2 mg/kg bw labelled
    dimethipin; Group II received a single i.v. dose of 1.2 mg/kg bw of
    labelled dimethipin; Group III received a single oral dose of
    50 mg/kg bw of labelled dimethipin; and Group IV received 1000 ppm
    non-labelled dimethipin in the diet continuously for 14 days followed
    immediately on day 15 by a single oral radio labelled dose of
    50 mg/kg bw dimethipin. Urine, faecal, blood, and tissue samples were
    analyzed in each group at numerous intervals following compound
    administration. Urine samples collected and analyzed by HPLC supported
    previous findings that very little unchanged dimethipin is excreted
    (0.4-6.5%) in the first 24 hours. During the same time period, the
    reduced product, the N-acetylcysteine and polar fractions increase,
    while cysteinylglycine conjugates decrease with time. There were no
    sex differences identified. These results support the proposed
    metabolic pathway involving glutathione conjugation. Glutathione
    levels in liver and blood samples from 3 male and 3 female rats in
    Group IV were not different from control values (Billings, 1987;
    McManus et al., 1987a).

    Toxicological studies

    Special studies on mutagenicity

         Dimethipin did not demonstrate mutagenic activity in short-term
    tests (see Table 1).

    Special studies on carcinogenicity


         Additional information was required by the 1985 JMPR concerning
    the historical control data for rats/mice used at Hazleton
    Laboratories America, Incorporated. The requested additional
    information were provided, However, these data were considered not
    useful for delineating whether the tumour incidence in either rat or
    mouse study is different from or consistent with historical control
    incidence. The historical control data differ in study design (e.g.
    diet vs gavage; use of vehicles: acetone, corn oil, water; number of

    animals per cage) and in the sources of SD rats and CD-1 mice used in
    the respective studies. The available data, including that reviewed by
    the 1985 JMPR, showed that dimethipin caused an increased incidence of
    lung adenocarcinomas in male CD-1 mice only. Lung adenomas and
    adenocarcinomas occur commonly in this strain. Dimethipin was negative
    for oncogenic potential in female CD-1 mice.

        Table 1. Results of mutagenicity studies on dimethipin

    Test system      Test object    Concentration     Purity    Results      Reference
                                    of dimethipin     (%)

    Micronucleus     Mouse          220 mg/kg         98.9      Negative     McManus (1986)
    (in vivo)        Swiss CD-1

    In vivo/         Rat            100, 300 or       98.9      Negative     McManus (1987b)
    In vitro UDS     Wistar         1000 mg/kg
         Pathological examination of brain tissues from the Sprague-Dawley
    rat study showed that the incidence of astrocytomas was not
    statistically different between control and treated groups. Additional
    astrocytomas and brain tumours were identified in controls during a
    pathological re-examination.

         A review of the data clarified the questions raised in 1985 about
    the potential oncogenicity of dimethipin in Sprague-Dawley rats. It
    was concluded that dimethipin did not demonstrate oncogenic potential
    in this rat study.

         Further data pertaining to certain organ weight changes in the
    Sprague-Dawley rat study were provided by the testing laboratory.
    These data clarified the organ weight changes and demonstrated a NOEL
    of 200 ppm for relative and absolute adrenal weight decrease in female
    rats, and a NOEL of 200 ppm for relative and absolute liver weight
    increase in male rats. Also, a NOEL of 40 ppm was demonstrated for
    relative and absolute liver weight increase in females, and serves as
    the NOEL for the study.


         The Meeting in 1985 requested clarification of the metabolism of
    dimethipin in plants and animals. Additional data, reviewed by the
    1987 JMPR (Annex I, FAO/WHO, 1987c), showed similar metabolic pathways
    of dimethipin in plants and animals. Additional metabolism data in
    rats reviewed by the present Meeting support the previous conclusions.

         Further information reviewed by the Meeting on historical control
    data were not useful in delineating compound-related effects in rats
    or mice. The available data, including that reviewed by the 1985 JMPR,
    showed that dimethipin caused an increased incidence of lung
    adenocarcinomas only in male CD-1 mice at high dose. The Meeting noted
    that the lung adenoma and adenocarcinomas occur commonly in this
    strain. Hence this finding was not considered to be of toxicological

         Pathological examination of brain tissues from the study in
    Sprague-Dawley rats evaluated by the 1985 JMPR showed that the
    incidence of astrocytomas was not statistically different between
    control and treated groups. These findings resolved questions raised
    in 1985 for the potential oncogenicity of dimethipin in Sprague-Dawley
    rats. The Meeting concluded that this study did not indicate



         Mouse:    80 ppm in the diet, equal to 12.3 mg/kg bw/day
         Dog:      100 ppm in the diet, equivalent to 2.5 mg/kg bw/day
         Rat:      40 ppm in the diet, equivalent to 2.0 mg/kg bw/day


         0-0.02 mg/kg bw.


         Observations in man.


    Billings, T.J. 1987. A [14C]-Radiolabeled pharmacokinetics and
    metabolism study in rat. Southwest Bio-Labs, Inc. Project No. 8656r.
    Submitted to WHO by Uniroyal Chemical Co., Inc., Bethany, CT, USA.

    McManus, J.P. 1986. Mouse micronucleus test - Dimethipin technical.
    Life Sciences Research, Rome; Report 180001-M-06886. Submitted to WHO
    by Uniroyal Chemical Co., Inc., Bethany, CT, USA.

    McManus, J.P. 1987a. Analysis of urine samples from Dimethipin
    (Harvade) rat pharmacokinetic study. Submitted to WHO by Uniroyal
    Chemical Co., Inc., Bethany, CT, USA.

    McManus, J.P. 1987b. In vivo/in vitro UDS Study in rat. Robens
    Institute, Report No. 4/86/TX. Submitted to WHO by Uniroyal Chemical
    Co., Inc., Bethany, CT, USA.

    See Also:
       Toxicological Abbreviations
       Dimethipin (Pesticide residues in food: 1985 evaluations Part II Toxicology)
       Dimethipin (JMPR Evaluations 1999 Part II Toxicological)